Eye allergies are a major problem in the spring and can prevent you from enjoying the mild weather and beautiful scenery outside. To help you make the most out of what spring has to offer, your reliable eye doctor from EyeSite of The Villages shares some effective ways to combat spring eye allergies.

Limit Contact With Your Trigger Allergen

Pollen is the most common culprit of springtime eye allergies. The blooming flowers increase the amount of pollen in the air that may come into contact with your eyes. If you have eye allergies, it’s best to limit your time outside during the spring, particularly when the pollen count is high.

Protect Your Eyes

If staying indoors isn’t possible, you can still minimize your exposure to pollen by wearing protective eyewear. Wear an oversized pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses with UV protection. Not only can the lenses block airborne allergens, they can also prevent harmful UV rays from entering your eyes. If you need additional protection, consider wearing a face mask.

Wash Your Hands Frequently

Rigorous, frequent hand-washing can significantly reduce the hand-eye transfer of allergens. Keeping your home clean by sweeping the floors, changing your sheets and using an air filter can also help.

Visit Your Eye Care Specialist

Lastly, don’t forget to visit your optometrist for an eye exam. We’ll assess your eyes and determine the cause of your eye allergies. We may prescribe antihistamine or anti-inflammatory medications to control your symptoms and relieve your discomfort.

Get in touch with us today at (352) 504-4560 to learn more effective tips on dealing with springtime eye allergies. We proudly see patients from Oxford, FL, and the surrounding communities.