Your children’s eyesight is very important. Not being able to see clearly not only affects their quality of life, it also interferes with their ability to learn. Your expert eye doctor at Eyesite of the Villages breaks down the link between vision and learning.

Children’s Eyesight: How Vision Affects Learning

How Vision Issues Negatively Impact School Performance

Vision problems in children hurt more than simply their sight. It also hinders their ability to read and learn. Oftentimes, children are doing poorly in school due to poor vision since over 80 percent of learning is visual. In fact, the American Optometric Association indicates that a quarter of children may have undiagnosed vision problems that could have an impact on their visual perceptual skills. Better known as the “3 R’s”, these include:

  • Recognition: Being able to identify the differences between letters and numbers, i.e. the difference between “m” and “n”.
  • Reading comprehension: Absorbing and understanding what they are reading, i.e. being able to mentally see and picture the paragraph that they just read.
  • Retention: Transferring to memory what they just reviewed and being able to recall it at a later date.

The effect of poor vision on the 3 R’s can also lead to low self-esteem, as well as fatigue and headaches. In addition, children may not be able to see the blackboard or computer screens, causing further strain on their eyes. This can increase the chances of them falling behind in school or simply not wanting to attend.

What You Can Do

To ensure that your children have healthy eyes, schedule regular eye exams, especially right before school starts. Our eye doctor can catch any vision problems and prescribe a solution like contact lenses or eye glasses before classes start. We’ll put your children at ease and explain how an eye exam works to make it less stressful for them.

Eyesite of the Villages has been offering unparalleled services to The Villages and surrounding Florida communities since 2006. If you have any questions about your eyesight or need expert eyecare services, please call us at (352) 674-3937.