There are a lot of different eye diseases that you may develop over the course of your life. Certain surgeries are meant to help treat or prevent diseases. Read on and talk with your eye doctor in Wildwood, FL, to learn more about the surgeries available for a specific eye disease.

  1. Phacoemulsification: A modern surgery used to extract cataracts, this procedure, also referred to as phaco, uses small incisions combined with a high-frequency ultrasound to break up and extract the cloudy lenses associated with cataracts. The smaller incisions promote faster healing and a reduced chance of complications.
  2. Focal Laser Photocoagulation: This procedure may be a part of a diabetes treatment. The laser is focused directly on the scarred area in order to break away the damaged tissue and remove the vision obstruction.
  3. Implantable Telescope: Vision loss suffered due to age-related macular degeneration may never be able to be restored. The implantable miniature telescope, which was approved by the FDA in 2010, may be able to help reduce the size of the blind spot caused by AMD. During this procedure, a pea-sized device is implanted in the eye to magnify images on the retina.
  4. Trabeculectomy: Some patients seeking relief from ocular pressure choose a glaucoma surgery in Wildwood. This particular procedure attempts to improve the drainage of ocular fluid by removing tissue in order to create a new channel for the fluid.
  5. Intacs: Corneal inserts are surgically implanted into the eye to help reshape the cornea and combat keratoconus, which is a progressive eye disease. Over time, the typically round cornea thins and becomes cone shaped. Because of the new shape, the retina is not able to properly sense light, therefore distorting vision. This procedure is necessary for patients who no longer see positive results from contacts or eyeglasses.

The type of surgery you need will depend on the disease that is being treated. Talk with your eye doctor in Wildwood, FL, to learn more.